Get more clients with AI

The one AI tool you need to implement to your lead generation process today

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Welcome to the first issue of this newsletter

The landscape for starting and growing a business is ever-evolving and it is totally not okay to do things the same way you’ve done them if you’re not getting good results!

Lucky for you, I’m obsessed with researching and keeping up with the trends, and my major goals for this newsletter are to:

  1. Show you how to use AI to generate leads, automate and grow your business.

  2. Inspire you with real-life examples of how businesses are using ChatGPT and AI to achieve success so you can do the same.

I believe the next generation of millionaires will be people who know how to properly use AI to their advantage.

Today I want to share with you an AI tool you’ve probably never heard of.

But before we get into today’s insights, can I ask a quick favor?

Please reply to this email with ‘Hi’ to let me know you got it.

Now, are you ready? Let’s goo!

Lead Gen with Authentic Personalization

With all the different ways of generating leads out there, the old faithful cold outreach still remains one of the best ways to get clients. However, cold outreach produces better results when it’s personalized. Now imagine having a tool that can not only give you basic personalization but an authentic one that can save you hours of research on your prospect.

This friend is what will set you apart:


Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with this tool in any way. This is just me sharing a good gem that can help you at the very least get your ideal client to open the front door.

Go from Hyper-personalization to Authentic-personalization with this tool. Simply put, their personality AI Assistant can take a look at your prospects' LinkedIn profiles and give you accurate insights into their personalities.

With this info, you can personalize your sales pitch, avoid communication faux pas, and build rapport. It's like having a sales genie in a bottle!

Of course, I have used it, and boy! It’s good. Take a look at the chrome extension:

Gives you an overview of your prospect

For those familiar with Crystal, this tool does the same and probably even better but for half the price.

It goes further to give you tips on how to sell to them

There are more useful details it provides about your prospect but I will leave that for you to figure out. It will also generate personalized emails based on its analysis! It’s an absolute game-changer.

They have a free trial available you can start using today.

Every other week, I intend to send you short sweet gems and insights like this. It would be great if you can tell me a little bit more about your business and areas you particularly find challenging or areas you want me to cover in the upcoming issues.

That’s it for today folks, If you liked reading this, don’t forget to move this email to your primary inbox so it doesn’t end up in your spam next time.

P.S. Use this free Chrome extension as your personal AI writing assistant and thank me later ;)

Talk soon
