Dominate Inbound Leads With This Strategy

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This is the go-to AI newsletter for agencies, freelancers, consultants, and small business owners that want to leverage AI to generate leads, automate and grow their business

Today we are going to be exploring AI-assisted content marketing as a strategy to receive inbound leads and close more.

This will be a two part post since there is a lot to cover to nail this strategy.

This is Part One. Let’s go!

Now to succeed in this strategy, you must identify your ideal client persona, where they spend their time, their pain points, and the social platforms that will promote the content you create. Use this to build a solid ideal client persona with AI

Step 1: Have an irresistible OFFER

You will need an offer that you'll promote on your social channels, giving people a reason to provide their email or follow you. Some may even be ready to work with you, so make it easy for them by including your offer in your profile bio or at the end of some posted content. The best that has worked for me is usually getting the client to book a FREE call. A free call is as irresistible as it gets 😋 

Step 2: Build your Content Pillars

You will need to figure out the type of content you want to write about. This will usually be the topics that your audience cares about. In my case, I talk mainly about generating leads, getting more clients, saving time generating leads, automating lead generation processes.

When you consistently post within your content pillars, you start to build trust and people will subconsciously keep you in mind.

Step 3: Engage with your followers

It’s important to immediately engage with people commenting on your post as this helps the algorithm on most platforms to boost your posts. It’s also an opportunity to invite your prospect to DM where you can further give value and plug your offer.

Step 4: Have a Lead Magnet

Lead magnets such as a free e-books or newsletter can grow your email pipeline. Offer high-quality, free content relevant to your services and target audience, in exchange for signing up for your mailing list. Create a landing page outlining the benefits of joining your mailing list and share it on your chosen social platform.

This is the end of Part One. In the next issue I will be bringing AI tools that will help you put most of these steps on auto-pilot!

How Can I Help?

Whenever you’re ready, you can book a free call with me to see how we can help you generate more leads for your business. Here are some topics to expect on the call, we will

  1. Examine your current lead generation process

  2. Highlight processes that need to be automated

  3. Come up with a lead generation strategy that fits your business

Every other week, I intend to send you short, sweet gems and insights like these. It would be great if you can tell me a little bit more about your business, areas you find particularly challenging, or any topics you would like me to cover in the upcoming issues.

That’s it for today folks, If you liked reading this, don’t forget to move this email to your primary inbox so it doesn’t end up in your spam next time.

Talk soon
