Make more $$$ and save 10+ hours doing this

PLUS real-life examples to generate leads

Welcome to the 20+ new readers this week ðŸ˜‰


Quick thank you to those who replied to my email telling me about your business and industry. This helps me tailor the content in this newsletter to you and your business.

Before we dive in - did this email end up in your promotions tab? If so, can you move it to your primary inbox? That way, you won't miss out on any future issues.

This is the go-to AI newsletter for agencies, freelancers, consultants, and small business owners that want to leverage AI to generate leads, automate and grow their business

Last week, we focused on attracting paying clients

Today we are going to be exploring some tools and short tutorials to turbocharge your lead generation process with AI.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the tools or instructors mentioned in this newsletter.

Let’s go

1. Scrape Leads from LinkedIn with ChatGPT

This short tutorial shows you how to use ChatGPT to scrape highly engaging users. You can use this technique on your competitor's LinkedIn profiles to start prospecting and engaging with potential clients. Access the 2-min video-walkthrough here

2. Send Highly Personalized Email First Lines

If you rely on mass emails to generate leads, GPT for Sheets is a must-have tool for you. It's a free, powerful tool that can help you clean your lists, generate product descriptions, write personalized emails, and much more. Here is a quick tutorial showing how to use this. Note that you need the OpenAI API to use this tool. You can find out how to create one on their website.

3. Get Leads from Facebook Pages, Marketplace and Groups

This is one of my personal favourites. lets you build and automate scraper templates without any code. For non-technical people like, this is a no-brainer. Easy, simple and FREE to get started. See it in action here

4. Enrich your Leads with This Tool

Say you have a list of climate tech startups or local businesses that you want to reach out to, but you want to find out which ones have recently been funded or check for a certain business certification respectively. Usually you would have to go on individual websites to retrieve this info. Now you can use this tool which is powered by GPT to crawl each website at scale! 😮

Check out the demo video here

How Can I Help?

Whenever you’re ready, you can book a free call with me to see how we can help you generate more leads for your business. On the call, we will

  1. Examine your current lead generation process

  2. Highlight processes that need to be automated

  3. Come up with a strategy that fits your business

Every other week, I intend to send you short, sweet gems and insights like these. It would be great if you can tell me a little bit more about your business, areas you find particularly challenging, or any topics you would like me to cover in the upcoming issues.

That’s it for today folks, If you liked reading this, don’t forget to move this email to your primary inbox so it doesn’t end up in your spam next time.

Talk soon
