How to use ChatGPT to attract clients that can actually pay you

Adios to broke prospects


First of all, welcome to the 50+ new subscribers that joined since the last issue.

Also, thank you to those who replied to my email telling me about your business and the domain you operate in.

This helps me tailor the content in this newsletter to you and your business.

This is the go-to AI newsletter for agencies, freelancers, consultants, and small business owners that want to leverage AI to generate leads, automate and grow their business

Last week we looked at generating outbound leads.

Today we are saying goodbye to broke prospects and welcoming clients that have the purchasing power for our services or products, using our good fellow - ChatGPT!

Let’s go


Why should you bother about avoiding clients who struggle to meet your service fees and focus on getting clients that actually have the means to pay?

  1. Because you don’t want to spend eternity haggling over fees and justifying why you charge this or that

  2. Because there are actually clients out there willing to pay for your skill/product if you can find them

  3. You get to work with clients who value your services or products

ChatGPT Strategy

I explored this with ChatGPT and asked it to come up with a strategy that helps me fine-tune my offer to the ideal client that will pay me well.

I played around with couple prompts and finalised on this one.

Copy this for your business

I need help in attracting clients that can actually pay for my service and avoid clients that can't.




Generate a strategy for me to attract paying prospects,

Include if I need to change my target audience or change my offer to suit the ideal client.

Include where to find these paying clients and how to identify if they are capable of paying for my service

Include best practices in reaching out to them


To get the best out of this prompt, you have to be very specific, for example:

Instead of writing:

I am a digital marketing consultant


I run a digital marketing consultancy exclusively for startups. We specialize in offering valuable guidance to startups on optimizing their digital customer journey. Our role is to assist these startups in constructing an effective website that not only provides information but also serves as a catalyst for marketing efforts, sales conversions, and customer segmentation. We ensure that all the necessary pixels and trackers are implemented correctly, and we go the extra mile by generating insightful Google reports that present their progress in visually engaging graph form

I tried this for myself and I was actually surprised that ChatGPT was able to come up with some useful points

In summary, ChatGPT recommended quite a few things to do but these grabbed my attention:

  1. To double down on niching:

    It seems I still have a big market, niching down helps to serve a select group of people that others can’t easily serve which puts you in a position to attract specific clients and even charge more.

  2. To spend more time researching well-funded companies:

    The key term here is ‘well-funded’ friends. We tend to go straight into blasting those cold outreaches and missing this very important step :/

  3. To partner with complementary service providers:

    It makes sense to collaborate with them to create joint marketing campaigns or cross-promotions that can mutually benefit both parties.

I went on to dig deeper and ask ChatGPT to give a step-by-step process of how to carry out its suggestions, safe to say I spent some time on this.

I will be implementing some of this stuff this week and I hope to report back how I’m now attracting clients that can pay me 😉 

Every other week, I intend to send you short sweet gems and insights like this. It would be great if you can tell me a little bit more about your business and areas you particularly find challenging or areas you want me to cover in the upcoming issues.

That’s it for today folks, If you liked reading this, don’t forget to move this email to your primary inbox so it doesn’t end up in your spam next time.

Talk soon
